त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय
परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय, बल्खु
त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय, परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय बल्खुद्वारा २०७८ सालमा संचालन गरिने ४ वर्षे व्यवस्थापन, मानविकी, शिक्षाशास्त्र संकाय र विज्ञान तथा प्रविघि अध्ययन संस्थान तर्फ स्नातक तह प्रथम वर्ष नियमित परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थीहरुको स्थगित परीक्षा निम्न कार्यक्रमानुसार सञ्चालन हुने भएकोले सम्बन्धित सबैको जानकारीको लागि यो कार्यक्रम प्रकाशित गरिएको छ । साथै परीक्षार्थीले आफुले दिनु पर्ने कुन कुन कोड र विषय हो सो यकिन गरेर मात्र परीक्षा दिनु पर्ने छ यसमा अन्यथा हुन गएमा त्रि.वि प.नि.का जवाफदेही नहुने कुरा पनि यसै सूचनाद्वारा सम्बन्धित सवैलाई जानकारी गराईन्छ ।
4 Yrs B. B. S. 1st Year परीक्षा समयः ७:०० बजेदेखि १०:०० बजेसम्म ।
Date | 4 Years Management (B. B. S.) |
2078/11/13 | MGT-201 Business English |
2078/11/15 | MGT-207 Micro Economics for Business |
2078/11/18 | MGT-202 Business Statistics |
2078/11/20 | MGT-213 Principles of Management |
2078/11/22 | MGT-211 Financial Account & Analysis |
4 Yrs B. Sc. 1st Year परीक्षा समयः १२.०० बजेदेखि ३.०० बजेसम्म ।
Date | 4 Years Science (B. Sc.) |
2078/11/13 | Chemistry-101 |
2078/11/15 | Mathematics/Botany-101 |
2078/11/18 | Physics-101 |
2078/11/20 | Environment Science/Meteorology-101 |
2078/11/22 | Geology-101/Computer Science-101 |
2078/11/25 | Scientific Communication-101 |
2078/11/27 | Mathematics-102/Microbiology-101 |
2078/11/29 | Statistics/Zoology-101 |
4 Yrs B. Ed. 1st Year परीक्षा समयः १२.०० बजेदेखि ३.०० बजेसम्म ।
Date | 4 Years Education (B. Ed.) |
2078/11/13 | Ed. -412 Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education |
2078/11/15 | Eng. Ed.- 411- General English |
2078/11/18 | Nep. Ed -401 Compulsory Nepali |
2078/11/20 | Major Subjects – 416
नेपाली शिक्षा (नेपाली कथा र उपन्यास) Eng. Ed. -Foundation of Language and Linguistics_Math Ed .-Foundation of Mathematics_ Sc. Ed. -Chemistry-I_ HP. Ed. Foundation of Health Ed./Pop. Ed.- Foundation of Population_ Geo. Ed. -Physical Geography _ Eco. Ed. -Economics Analysis _ Hist. Ed.- Ancient and Medieval History of Nepal_ Pol. Sc. Ed. -Political Thinkers_ Ed. Pm. -Education Administration_ Socioal studies-416 |
2078/11/22 | Major Subjects-417
नेपाली शिक्षा (नेपाली नाटक एकाङ्की र निबन्ध) Eng. Ed. -Reading writing and Critical Thinking_ Math. Ed. –calculus-I _ Sc. Ed. -Physics-I_ HP. Ed -Foundation of Physical Ed._ Pop. Ed. -Quality of life_ Geo. Ed.-Human Geography_ Eco. Ed. – Quantitative Techniques_ Hist. Ed. -Socio-Cultural and Economics_ Pol. Sc. Ed.-Political Analysis_ Ed. Pm -Development of Education in Nepal Social studies-417 |
2078/11/25 | Minor Subjects: नेपाली शिक्षा (नेपाली कथा र उपन्यास) Eng. Ed. Foundation of Language and Linguistics/Math. Ed. Foundation of Mathematics I/ HP. Ed. Foundation of Health Ed../Pop. Ed. Foundation of Population Ed./Geo. Ed. Physical Geography/Eco. Ed. Economics Analysis/Hist. Ed. Ancient and Medieval History of Nepal/Pol. Sc. Ed. Political Thinkers/Ed. Pm Education Administration/Animal Science-418 |
2078/11/27 | Minor Subjects:
P. Ed. -Foundation of physical Edu._ Eco. Ed -Quantitative Techniques-419_Plant Science, Teaching Social studies-418 |
4 Yrs B.A. 1st Year परीक्षा समयः १२.०० बजेदेखि ३.०० बजेसम्म ।
Date | 4 Years Humanities (B. A.) |
2078/11/13 | Com.English-401 |
2078/11/15 | Geography/Buddhist studies/Linguistics/History/Culture-421 |
2078/11/16 | Music/Psychology/Journalism and Mass Communication/Dance/Pop studies/Rural Development/Film studies/Economics-421 |
2078/11/18 | English/Nepali/Hindi/Nepal Bhasha/Maithili/Sanskrit-421 |
2078/11/20 | Anthropology/Philosophy/Sociology/Social Work-421 |
2078/11/22 | Music/Psychology/Journalism and Mass Communication/Dance/Pop. Studies/Rural Development/Film studies/Economics-422 |
2078/11/23 | Geography/Buddhist studies/Linguistics/History/Culture-422 |
2078/11/25 | Mathematics/Home Sc./Political Sc.-421 |
2078/11/26 | English/Nepali/Hindi/Nepal Bhasha/Maithili/Sanskrit-422 |
2078/11/27 | Anthropology/Philosophy/Sociology/Social Work-422 |
2078/11/29 | Mathematics/Home Sc./Political Sc.-422/film studies-423 |
Note आंशिक परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थीहरुको लागि छुट्टै सूचना प्रकाशित गरिनेछ ।
परीक्षा नियन्त्रक